Sunday 17 February 2008

I feel like sleeping in a cabbage

I am working on different new fairies for baby christening. I have no enthusiasm at the moment, I am suffering from a very common infection that has affected many of my fellow crafters since the invention of the internet, The copycats (in my case they are all french, and they even copy the titles of my posts from my french blog, it feels like looking at yourself in a funny mirror). Well I suppose it is the downside of the internet, will resort to eating chocolate in front of the weekly rerun of Eastenders to cheer me up.


  1. Sorry to hear that your sweet fairies are being copied but I bet they are not as good as yours!

  2. i guess your time has come! Retiring time!!!
    Or maybe you should create frogs now...thats just a suggestion.
    (bloody french, never happy!)

  3. only joking!! i think that instead of
    crying in front of Eastenders you should speak to these people. If you are really copied that's the best thing to do. Tell them about "droit d'auteur" if my french is right. But react, don't stay like that!
    Good luck! Matt

  4. I love your work and it always cheers me up! Don´t let your head hang down. You are the original and the copy-cats will always be a few steps behind you.

    Love and greetings from

  5. Dear Stephanie:
    I´m from Argentine, I live in Buenos Aires and I want you to know that I adore your fairies, they are like a caress to the soul. Please don`t pay attention to the persons that copy your creations, your fairies are unique!!! Be strong and continue creating!!

  6. i feel like sleeping in a cabbage!?!?!
    That's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo sweet!! i just found your blog...i'm so happy n lucky cause your work is
    a m a z i n g !!!

    Don't worry about being only proves you are doing it right;)

    Hidden Eloise

  7. To cute this little fairy !

  8. Hello from Toronto,

    Lovely fairies!

    Warm regards,


  9. Yyou make lovely fairies - they are sooo sweet - thanks you for adding me to your blog...Happy Easter - Luv Happy xx

  10. Hi, sorry my words are less flowery than previous comments..but dont you dare let the b*******ds get you down, my wife has it all the time with our ebay store, some people just copy copy,copy...imitation is flattery. and we are flattered on a daily basis...keep your chin up, believe in you...fred x

  11. Stephanie, I left you a message about your fairies...not certain if it connects back to my blog. I am still interested-they are so cute! Monica
