Tuesday 24 April 2007

Big thinking for small spaces...

I tidied up my work space lately, i work in the attic in a very small space (which i like anyway). I don't need much room for the "fairy factory", but i have accumulated craft supplies over the years and they sometimes do need reorganizing. I try to make use of every inch in my attic.

And sometimes at exhibitions too:I have applied to the Country Living Christmas fair this year with the fairies and christmas baubles, and i will really have to think about how to arrange my space , it is the smallest stall i ever had (2 meters by 1.5!) and i am trying to think about how to optimize it...browsing the net for new ideas.Haven't quite yet found the "this is it" moment...


  1. For a tiny space you have the most organized and sweet craft studio. It matches the sweetness of the fairies. But of course how else would they know where to fly into being? :-)

  2. Lovely , lovely fairies. I am in love with them. Where can you buy them???? They are just so sweet and whimsical. Mica Garbarino


  3. i love your fairies every time i see them in your blog..i think small space is better then too big and yours looks like a nest!!best wishes for your crafty market!

  4. I just found you on garboodles. Your fairies are delightful!!

  5. Try Flickr groups...search for studio---I found some lovely ideas there, as I am also doing a workspace in a small area....lots of planning

  6. Vous aviez laisse un commentaire sur notre site il y a qq semaines(mathieuetcoralie.com/blog un post sur l'Angleterre).

    Depuis, je viens regulierement rever sur votre site en regardant, tres admirative, vos creations.

    Beaucoup de talent!

    J'espere vous voir a la Country Living Fair de Noel: est-ce bien celle de Londres? Tenez-nous au courant de l'ouverture d'une boutique en ligne, qui sera j'en suis sure vite devalisee...

    Continuez, vous avez... des mains de fee...
